Sunday, December 16, 2012

Can America Be Saved From the Stupid People?- Great Book

Currently reading a book titled, "Can America Be Saved From the Stupid People?" Yes the title is not politically correct, but the content of the book is great. It highlights a society that does not think and is governed by what is seen on the television. Yes, America was founded by God-fearing men, but they were secular in their thought process in developing our Constitution. You know, the do
cument that structured our country and its principles. I believe in God and try to live my life by the Commandments, but our nation was not founded on the principles of "One Nation Under God." That is the pledge of allegiance, not the Constitution. Our country was founded on the idea of freedom of religion and a separation of church and state. Our people have spent so much time voting based on emotion and religious ideals, but neither have a place in running a country founded on individual freedoms. Our morals should guide us in our daily lives; and, therefore, our religious beliefs are our guide, but if emotions are used to guide our votes then we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the country we left because we will be easily manipulated by the politicians who want to rule for the sake of power and not for the will of the people.

Anyway, just my thoughts on the state of our country. They are not the most popular thoughts to have, but we live in a country where we have freedom of speech as long as that speech does not impinge on the life, liberty or pursuit of happiness of my fellow Americans. Our country is struggling like hell. Our economy is heading to the pooper and our politicians are corrupt, but our people and our freedoms still make us the greatest country in the world. We just seem to have forgotten those things in the light of the emotional fears pushed by the slanted media. We need to remember how to think for ourselves, fend for ourselves and defend ourselves.

Soapbox ended. Thanks for listening. God bless America because we sure as hell need it.

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