Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Documentary: Ethos

It discusses the Federal Reserve and the fact that is it not owned by the Government but by a central bank cartel (thanks to Woodrow Wilson signing it into law). It discusses how each dollar printed is requested from the federal reserve and is in fact loaned to the government at a specified interest rate. So, each dollar printed is an increase of governmental debt to a centralized bank cartel that remains fairly quiet on who they are. It goes on to speak of the manipulations of corporations of the political system so that the will of the people is not followed but rather the will of the corporations. Pretty interesting.

The cooler part is Edward Bernays (Freud's nephew) use of Frued's science to manipulate the public in the 30's and changed marketing to the public to what it is today by appealing to their deepest fears and drives to manipulate the public to purchase their goods - retraining the public to desire the goods as opposed to purchasing their needs.



  1. That all sounds about right. Debt, debt, lying, inflation, trying to stimulate the economy, but no workers are getting raises to match inflation, debt, lying, bailouts, lying, debt, print some money, etc. There's no doubt politics play a big role in what people buy. And there's no doubt the play on people's fears. Just look at the reporting by the media everytime there's a gun related crime. How many times is it reported when someone defends themselves with a gun? They want people to be afraid of guns to help further taking away our freedoms. The same with economics.

    1. Example: The cry for gun restrictions after Friday's massacre. Think people, think.
