Thursday, January 10, 2013

I'm not saying we have a Pandemic, but.......

One of the end of the world scenarios you see on these prepper shows and discovery documentaries is a pandemic of flu.  We are currently in one of the worst flu outbreaks in the last 50 years.  Keep an eye on what is happening.  The reason?  So you can see how insidious an outbreak to pandemic scenario may be.  This flu is being reported by the CDC as a moderate to severe season, but look at Google Flu Trends.  It shows how widespread the flu bug has become without the advertisements to get your flu shot.  

I am not saying this is a SHTF scenario.  I am saying this is a great opportunity to observe what a pandemic outbreak looks like both in your neighborhood and across the globe without it being something that is killing everyone.  The spread was pretty stealthy.  I, personally, was not paying much attention, and then we were hit late December.  All seven in the house were down with it before we really realized what was happening.  I am a bit embarrassed by my lack of preparedness.

The CDC is not the best for news releases.  They downplay outbreaks, etc. and control the release of information to the media.  Pay attention to what is said on Facebook, yahoo, google Plus, etc.  That is where you will see the real trending.

Your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm....New York declares a state of Emergency. Who is next? Here, the hospitals are overrun with a sometimes 24 hour wait to get a room. If you are sick with the flu and are not in danger of dying please stay home. They cannot do anything for you unless you are severely dehydrated or cannot breathe. They are going to send you home with instructions of lots of fluids and rest and to come back if your condition worsens, but you have just exposed yourself to more "junk" and others to your infection. If you are ill, go to bed. Sleep. Drink fluids. Take some vitamins. Don't infect the planet because you have the achy sniffles. (The disclaimer here is if you are severely dehydrated or cannot breathe, then please seek help.)

    Just my two cents.
