Saturday, January 12, 2013

This is a repost/share from Matt Bracken

Just chucked over the transom:

Report from XXXXX: received 01/10/13, 14:00

"I was in a gun shop last night called XXXXXXXXXXXXX. The one with the owner I was telling you about.( a patriot) The Owner was talking to a man about 28-30 years of age who had his wife with him. He was buying a gun for his wife. I heard them talking but couldn't hear what They were saying. At one point their voices became very quiet but they continued to talk. After the man and woman left, I talked to the owner about a XXXXXXXXX for a rifle. He asked me if I saw the couple he was talking to and went on to explain that the husband was an Ohio State Patrolman for Galliacounty. The patrolman told the owner that he was at a State Police meeting (Time frame unknown, but recent) in Columbus (OH) and they were asked by the State HQ how they felt about confiscating guns from citizens. He also told the owner that TSA agents (or perhaps DHS?) had been to Gallia county earlier in the month (January) stating that there might be civil unrest and asked them (State Troopers), The County Sheriff, and local township law enforcement the same question.

The patrolman told the owner that he was in Columbus with 10 other patrolmen from the area. He told the owner that he stated he wasn't willing to confiscate weapons and that if they came to his house he (the State Patrolman) would kill them. He stated the other 10 patrolmen conveyed the same message. My unit member left and reported to me asap.We have elevated our alert level as a result.

(My comment: The LEOs are critical! Please bump or share or pass around or mention "Dear Mr. Security Agent: a letter to LEOs about gun control"

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