Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Bit of Something Everyday

During our trek towards sustainable living, we have discovered the best way for us to make continuous progress is to do at least one thing daily towards prepping/sustainability.  Even if you are sick, there are things that can be done.

From your bed:

  1. Research and learn about skills you do not already have and read other homesteading blogs for tips and tricks.
  2. Pack egg crates with dryer lint in preparation to make fire starters.
  3. Work on your homesteading notebook with observations from month to month to look for areas of improvement.  Or, if you do not have one, make a homesteading notebook to organize your short term and long term goals so that when you are working towards sustainability it does not overwhelm you.

Small tasks that add up:

  1. When you cook a meal, cook double and freeze for those days when you have no time to cook.
  2. Add a few logs to your wood pile.
  3. Every time you go to the grocery store buy water and store it.  Even if it is only 1 gallon, it will add up.
  4. When you buy seeds for the garden, if you are not already saving them, buy double and save the extra pack in an air tight container stored in a cool dark and dry place.
  5. When you make yogurt, cheese, butter, soap, etc. make a bit extra to use for barter.
  6. Pick up any clearance first aid items to store.
  7. If you have the opportunity for FREE items, take it.  If you cannot use it, trade it.  If you cannot trade it, sell it.  If you cannot sell it, donate it and take the tax write off.
  8. Organize a small area of your homestead each day.  If it isn't organized in some fashion, how will you know what you have and what you need.  (It kinda makes you one step away from a hoarder too, lol)
Big Tasks and how to tackle them:
  1. If you have a project that is a bit much for just your family members, barter for labor.  Any homesteader will trade labor for goods and future services.
  2. Make a plan for the project.  Try to find free resources or the items you need on sale.  Get it when it is in your budget and then complete the project.  Planning will keep your projects from being half completed.  A homestead full of half completed projects doesn't really work.
  3. Invest in quality tools.  It saves nothing to have to replace a subpar tool multiple times.  Bite the bullet and save for the better quality so you only buy once.

Those are my thoughts, but I have OCD and plan most days.  Happy first day of Spring and get your garden going!

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