Saturday, March 15, 2014


I had a busy planned today.  Once a month grocery stock up, top to bottom house cleaning and starting fermented foods for the week were all on the schedule.  The schedule doesn't change because that makes me crazy.  However, in the continuing theory of changing my perception and perspective on survival tactics and sustainable living, when I am offered something I need for FREE in return for a little bit of labor the schedule changes.

Rigid schedules and a working goal are very necessary to the sustainable and ready lifestyle.  Planning ahead is a key skill to master because the old adage is absolute truth.  Failing to plan means you plan to fail.  When you create a schedule of goals, add in some necessary flexibility.  It will leave you the opportunity to take advantages of windfalls that come your way without detracting from your prepping goals.

The benefit of this flexibility today landed me all the compost I can use for our growing beds, a new bartered source for fresh eggs and wild game, two large bags of clothes to use or barter out and another sounding board for exchanging knowledge and ideas.  All of those things in exchange for a little bit of labor and a little bit of flexibility.

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